
Archive for Februari, 2008

———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— -PBB Kampanyekan Antikekerasan Perempuan
[NEW YORK] Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) PBB Ban Ki-moon, Senin (25/2) atau Selasa pagi WIB, meluncurkan kampanye global untuk mengakhiri kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang merupakan tindakan yang tidak dapat diterima, dimaklumi dan ditoleransi.

PBB menetapkan kampanye antikekerasan terhadap perempuan berlangsung hingga 2015 yang bertepatan dengan target untuk pengurangan kemiskinan dalam kerangka Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDG’s). “Kekerasan terhadap perempuan adalah isu yang tidak dapat ditunda,” tegas Sekjen kepada komisi PBB untuk urusan status perempuan.

PBB mencatat setidaknya satu dari tiga perempuan pernah dipukul, dipaksa untuk berhubungan seksual atau disiksa. “Tidak ada negara, budaya, perempuan muda atau tua yang kebal terhadap momok ini.”

Penyangkalan terhadap keberadaan perempuan bahkan berlangsung sejak dini. Praktik pemilihan jenis kelamin sebelum melahirkan banyak terjadi di tengah masyarakat di berbagai negara. Masih banyak yang cenderung menghendaki anak lelaki ketimbang perempuan.

Di India, pengguguran janin perempuan dan pembunuhan bayi perempuan melanggar hukum tetapi masih marak terjadi. Bayi lelaki lebih dikehendaki karena mereka akan jadi pencari nafkah sementara anak perempuan dianggap lebih merugikan. Keluarga harus membayar mahar yang banyak dan mahal bila anak perempuannya menikah.

PBB menggarisbawahi perempuan sering kali digunakan sebagai alat yang ampuh dalam peperangan. Sejak dulu hingga sekarang senjata dari konflik bersenjata adalah perkosaan, kekerasan seksual dan penculikan anak-anak yang diwajibkan untuk menjadi tentara atau dipaksa menjadi budak seksual.

Ia meminta Dewan Keamanan PBB untuk menyusun mekanisme pengawasan kekerasan melawan wanita dan anak-anak perempuan di bawah kerangka Resolusi 1325.

Resolusi itu diadopsi pada Oktober 2000 untuk mendorong negara-negara anggota PBB melakukan perlindungan terhadap perempuan, meningkatkan status mereka dan partisipasi mereka di dalam badan-badan pengambil keputusan.

Ban juga meminta kepada kaum lelaki di seluruh dunia untuk memberi teladan. Pemimpin harus memperjelas bahwa melakukan kekerasan terhadap perempuan adalah tindakan pengecut. [AFP/MRS/N-3]

25 February, 2008 ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =======

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today kicked off a multi-year global campaign bringing together the United Nations, governments and civil society to try to end violence against women, calling it an issue that “cannot wait.”

“At least one out of every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Through the practice of prenatal sex selection, countless others are denied the right even to exist,” Mr. Ban said in his address at the opening in New York of the latest session of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Violence against women impedes economic and social growth, and thus the new campaign will run until 2015, the same target year as the internationally agreed aims known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Noting that weapons of armed conflict today include rape, sexual violence and abduction of children to be conscripted as soldiers or sex slaves, the Secretary-General recounted his visits to war-torn areas and his conversations with survivors of violence.

“This is a campaign for them. It is a campaign for the women and girls who have the right to live free of violence, today and in the future,” he said. “It is a campaign to stop the untold cost that violence against women inflicts on all humankind.”

Mr. Ban called on the cooperation of the world’s youth, women’s groups, men around the world, the private sector and Member States to help the new initiative succeed.

He acknowledged that there is no “blanket approach” to tackling the scourge, noting that each country must formulate its own measures to address violence against women.

“But there is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable,” the Secretary-General stated, adding that he hopes to hold a high-level event in 2010 to review progress.

As part of today’s campaign launch, Rachel N. Mayanja, the Secretary-General’ s Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women, held a press conference together with a number of other activists, both male and female, working to end violence against women and are slated to participate in other discussions on the subject at UN Headquarters.

“While everybody professes that women hold up the sky and women’s contributions are critical to development – to everything – it hasn’t been demonstrated concretely.” Ms Mayanja said. “And here we are, halfway through the Millennium Development Goals projected period, and we are still lagging behind.”

Many women have been left out of development efforts because of the violence that is continually being inflicted on them, she said. The Secretary-General’ s campaign, she added, would bring a new sense of urgency to bear on this tragic issue.

* * *

25 February 2008

———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— –

Department of Public Information . News and Media Division . New York

Secretary-General says violence against women never acceptable, never excusable,

never tolerable, as he launches global campaign on issue

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon‘s remarks to the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, 25 February:

I am honoured and moved to be with you today.

Standing here before the Commission on the Status of Women, whose members have done so much for gender equality worldwide, I am energized by your activism and inspired by your achievements.

Today, we come together to launch a global campaign to end violence against women. I am counting on you — advocates from Government, civil society and the United Nations — to carry our message around the world.

Violence against women is an issue that cannot wait. A brief look at the statistics makes it clear. At least one out of every three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Through the practice of prenatal sex selection, countless others are denied the right even to exist. No country, no culture, no woman young or old is immune to this scourge. Far too often, the crimes go unpunished, the perpetrators walk free.

War has always been devastating, but now, women and girls are themselves targets in the war zone. Today’s weapons of armed conflict include rape, sexual violence, and the abduction of children conscripted as soldiers or forced into sexual slavery.

On my visits to conflict-torn areas around the world, I have spoken with women who have endured horrific forms of violence. I will forever be haunted by their suffering — but equally, I will always be inspired by their courage. These mothers, sisters, daughters and friends are determined to reclaim their lives.

This is a campaign for them. It is a campaign for the women and girls who have the right to live free of violence, today and in the future. It is a campaign to stop the untold cost that violence against women inflicts on all humankind.

We know that gender inequality is hampering progress towards the Millennium Development Goals — our common vision to build a better world in the twenty-first century.

We know that violence against women compounds the enormous social and economic toll on families, communities, even whole nations.

And we know that when we work to eradicate violence against women, we empower our greatest resource for development: mothers raising children; lawmakers in parliament; chief executives; negotiators; teachers; doctors; policewomen; peacekeepers and more.

And so my campaign to end violence against women will continue until 2015 to coincide with the target date for the Millennium Development Goals.

We have solid policy frameworks and initiatives to build on.

UN Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict brings together 12 entities across the United Nations family, from the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to the World Health Organization.

The UN Task Force on violence against women is spearheading joint programming at the national level.

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, set up 11 years ago, has supported partners in communities, nations and regions around the world.

Just last December, the General Assembly adopted a historic resolution on rape and sexual violence.

And the landmark resolution 1325 on women, peace and security adopted by the Security Council seven years ago raised the issue to the level it deserves.

Today, I call again on the Security Council to establish a mechanism dedicated to monitoring violence against women and girls, under the framework of resolution 1325.

Let us remember: there is no blanket approach to fighting violence against women. What works in one country may not lead to desired results in another. Each nation must devise its own strategy.

But there is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women is never acceptable, never excusable, never tolerable.

In this campaign, I will personally approach world leaders to spur action through national campaigns.

I will urge all States to review applicable laws, and to revise them or enact new ones to ensure that violence against women is always criminalized. And I will call on all States to enforce their laws to end impunity.

I will encourage the media to take our message far and wide, and urge regional organizations to set priorities and targets.

I will galvanize the UN system to provide stronger and more effective support to all stakeholders, at the local, national, regional and global level.

I will form a global network of male leaders to assist me in mobilizing men and boys — men in Government, men in the arts and sports, men in business, men in the religious sphere, men in every walk of life, who know what leadership truly means.

I will work hand in hand with women’s groups worldwide. The progress over the past century happened thanks to them, and they will be our chief standard bearers in the future, too.

And I will propose a high-level event in 2010 to review what we have accomplished, exchange best practices and map out the steps ahead.

Our campaign will build on a deep and broad partnership, bringing in all society to take us to the end of violence against women and girls everywhere.

To help us reach our destination, I call on young people around the world — our leaders of tomorrow.

I call on the private sector around the world, whose reach is indispensable in advancing our cause.

I call on women’s groups around the world, whose valiance and vision have brought us to where we are today, and who will keep charting the way forward.

I call on men around the world to lead by example: to make clear that violence against women is an act perpetrated by a coward, and that speaking up against it is a badge of honour.

I call on Member States around the world: the responsibility, above all, lies with you.

I call on all of you to pledge with me:

United We Shall Succeed.

Thank you very much.

* *** *

———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— –

For information media . not an official record

Wahyu Susilo
Head of Advocacy and Networking Division
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
Jl. Mampang Prapatan XI/23
Jakarta 12790
Phone: 62-21-79196721/ 22
Fax: 62-21-7941577
e-mail: wahyu@infid. org
website: www.infid.org, www.infid.be

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:29:58 -0000
Subject: [Forum Pembaca KOMPAS] Enam Wanita Indonesia Diselamatkan dari Pelacuran

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ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to”, “metaData”: { “linkHref”: “http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Forum-Pembaca-Kompas/join;_ylc=X3oDMTJncm5iMGsyBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzEzMDA2NzAyBGdycHNwSWQDMTcwNTA0MzY5NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNzdG5ncwRzdGltZQMxMjAyODY5OTkz&#8221;, “linkProtocol”: “http”, “linkRel”: “nofollow”, “linkTarget”: “_blank” } }, “lw_1202882533_20”: { “text”: “Switch delivery to Daily Digest”, “extended”: 0, “startchar”: 6619, “endchar”: 6649, “start”: 6619, “end”: 6649, “extendedFrom”: “”, “predictedCategory”: “”, “predictionProbability”: “0”, “weight”: 1, “type”: [“shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/hyperlink/http”], “category”: [“IDENTIFIER”], “context”: “via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Yahoo! 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KUALA LUMPUR, RABU – KBRI Kuala Lumpur dan Polisi Kuala Lumpur
berhasil membongkar perdagangan manusia untuk dijadikan pelacur di
beberapa hotel di Kuala Lumpur. Enam wanita asal Indonesia bisa
diselamatkan dari bisnis haram itu.

“Kami (Satgas KBRI) bersama dengan polisi Kuala Lumpur melakukan
penggerebekan, Senin malam, di Hotel Malaya, Kuala Lumpur dan berhasil
menangkap enam wanita Indonesia yang menjadi korban dan anak buah
sindikatnya di Malaysia,” kata Kombes Setyo Wasisto SH, yang merupakan
petugas penghubung Polri LSO (Liaison senior officer) Polri di KBRI
Kuala Lumpur, Rabu.

Menurut Setyo Wasisto, keenam wanita Indonesia ini akan dipulangkan
Rabu sore ini. Selain itu, Mabes Polri, Selasa malam (12/2) melakukan
penggerebekan dan penangkapan terhadap sindikat perdagangan manusia ke
beberapa negara yang beroperasi di Jakarta.

“Awal ceritanya, ada keluarga korban yang melaporkan kehilangan
anaknya RN. Setelah dicek ternyata RN telah dipenjarakan oleh polisi
Malaysia di penjara Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, karena kasus pelacuran. Tapi
vonisnya hanya sampai 5 Februari 2008. Setelah bebas ia diserahkan ke
KBRI. Di penampungan KBRI, RN bertemu kawannya yang berhasil kabur
dari sindikat pelacuran Malaysia. Mulailah mereka mengungkapkan kepada
kami jaringan sindikat ini,” ungkap Setyo.

Korban direkrut oleh jaringan sindikat di Jakarta bernama Ir atau Am
beralamat di Mangga Besar yang menjanjikan pekerjaan sebagai penyanyi
di sebuah karaoke di Malaysia dengan gaji besar.

Para korban kemudian diuruskan dokumennya tanpa biaya tapi kemudian
diwajibkan melunasi utangnya itu sebesar 4.350 hingga 5.400 ringgit
Malaysia setelah menerima gaji/honor sebagai pelacur.

Sampai di Bandara KLIA, para korban telah dijemput dengan warga
Malaysia bernama Al (etnis China) kemudian diinapkan di sebuah rumah
khusus yang dikunci dari luar dan paspornya dipegang oleh dia.

Korban setiap hari dijemput oleh seorang sopir kemudian dibawa ke
hotel untuk ditawarkan kepada laki-laki hidung belang. Operasinya
mereka diantaranya di hotel Allson Genesis, Hotel Pudu Raya, Hotel
Malaya, dan Hotel Nova Kuala Lumpur.

“Tarif untuk melayani satu orang tamu biayanya 168 ringgit, diserahkan
kepada taukenya Al. Dari tarif itu, 80 ringgit untuk biaya kantor, 40
ringgit untuk tauke, dan 40 ringgit (sekitar Rp 100.000) untuk
korban,” kata Setyo Wasisto.(ANT)

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